Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Forming good character

Every day we brush past many kinds of people, every one of them has a specticular expression, has unique speaking implication, and behave in a particular way. That is how we distinguish them from each other and build up relationship with them according to those kinds of difference. In most of times we neglect why do they have these kinds of distinction. Actually except their nature which was owned when they were borned, much of these characters were formed generally in their earlier lives.

Everyone has experienced different affairs in their histories. Someone's destiny is smooth and peaceful, therefore most of them seem to be simpler than others. Nevertheless, still there's small number of them are shrewd schemers. In my opinion, maybe due to their complicated natures, or because their study intensively from the passing on of older generation.

The life experience of some other kinds of people are quite rough, or even disastrous. Many of them look vicissitudes and full of stratagies inside. Those stratagies may support them to be powerful enough to capture higher social positions and benefits, and they may also lead to the behaviour of halming others to benefit themselves. Dealing with this kind of people, we should learn to be torlerent. We can suppose they may have private difficulty which is not appreciate to be shown to public, therefore forbearance is the moralest way to either protect ourselves and them. However, if they have seriously halm our benefits, entrenching and challenging our self-respect, then we have to beat back to alarm them for extinguishing their aggressive fire.

There are also a kind of people, though not many in this society, who I respect most. In their face we can only see sunshine, through their appreance we can find the heart of an angel, their temperament is fragrant as morning orchid, and their words are graceful music floating in the air. They are innocent as tender infants, like it is the first time they visit the world. But they are never cheated, never enticed by devil in the real world. Open the history books of their lives, to our astonishment, they are scarred as other ones, also have come through joys and sorrows of life. The difference between them and normal people is, they understand why they are unfairly treated,and how to confront calmly the unexpected disaster instead of blaming god and society. After they conquer misfortune, they still live a happy life as nothing has ever happened.

We always prey for our blessedness, if we still have to face doom that fate award us, just enjoy it as the third kind of people. Then our life will almost be a valuable comody, rather than a meaningless tragedy.

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